Sunday, July 21, 2013

Call accepted!

This afternoon, in a glorious time of conversation and celebration, Rev. Daniel S. White was confirmed as the new teaching elder/head of staff for WCPC. Daniel preached at both 9 and 11 and was elected by congregational vote following a time of questioning during a congregational meeting that began at 12:15 p.m.

Church members received detailed information packets in the mail a few days earlier, but here is the first page of that document:

A   R E P O R T   F R O M   T H E   W C P C   P N C

The Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church Pastor Nominating Committee has been at work for 19 months. Elected in late 2011, we have been meeting since January 2012. We reviewed documentation from 205 applicants (two-thirds of which were self-referred, including 166 men and 39 women representing 39 states).  Twenty-three men and women made our top tier.
We spent countless hours in prayer and listened to hundreds of sermons, sent a set of written questions to 11 candidates, did phone interviews with six candidates, brought in five candidates for personal interviews, did reference checks on three candidates, and brought two candidates in for a neutral pulpit weekend.
We are very excited and led by the Holy Spirit to call the Rev. Daniel S. White to be our next Teaching Elder/Head of Staff.
If the congregation confirms his call, Daniel will begin as our head of staff in September.

A short biography of Rev. Daniel S. White

In more than 20 years of ministry Daniel White has served churches in California, New Jersey and Illinois. Along the way he has been a vocalist, worship leader, school teacher, football coach, speaker and author.

Daniel’s undergraduate work at Vanguard University in Southern California, completed in 1991, focused on Biblical Studies and Archeology. Upon graduation from Princeton Seminary with his M. Div. in 1998, he was the recipient of the John Alan Swink Prize for Excellence in Preaching as well as the David Hugh Jones Prize for Contributions in Music. He is currently pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Theological Seminary.

The skills and experiences Daniel will bring to WCPC are: 

  Passion for Christ-centered, biblical teaching and theological reflection

  Extensive leadership experience with multiple expressions of worship

  Leadership that is strategic, collaborative, enthusiastic, and innovative

  Experience at several multi-staff churches

  Authentic pastoral sensibilities

Prior professional service:

2006-present:    Pastor, Yorba Linda Presbyterian Church, California
1998-2005:          Associate Pastor, Christ Church of Oak Brook, Illinois
1997-1998:          Assistant Westminster Chaplain (internship), Princeton University
1997:                     Intern, First Presbyterian Church, Moorestown, New Jersey
1992-1995:          Director of Student Ministries, Fallbrook Presbyterian Church, California
1991-1992:          High School Ministry, South Coast Community Church (Mariners), Irvine, Calif.

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