Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An important invitation from the PNC

We are now several months into the search process for our new Teaching Elder/Head of Staff and one of the primary tasks of the PNC is to write the Church Information Form (CIF), which describes who we are and what we believe God is calling us to be as a church. Pastoral candidates will be reviewing this CIF to help discern if WCPC is God’s call for them. In order to assist us with this process, we are inviting you to prayerfully consider who we are as a church and respond to the following questions:

1. Why did you initially choose Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church?

2. Why have you stayed at Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church?
3. What is one thing you would want potential pastoral candidates to know about Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church?

We would appreciate your answers to these questions, as well as any additional information you would like us to know, by April 15th. You can share your answers with us in the following ways:
  • in the PNC mailbox near Tiffany Hall
  • in a sealed envelope delivered to the front office and clearly marked "PNC"
  • via email to whitprespnc12@googlegroups.com
  • directly to a PNC member
If you would like to have a member of the PNC talk with you individually or meet with your group to discuss these questions please contact PNC Chair Gary Carlsen or email whitprespnc12@googlegroups.com. As always, you can keep abreast of the latest communication from the PNC via The Chimes or the PNC blog at www.whitprespnc.blogspot.com. Thanks for your continued prayers for this most important process.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A statement from Session

The Session wants everyone to know the following things about Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church and its congregation:
  • We love Jesus and we want to know and love Him more. We do not all agree on everything, but we do agree that we love Jesus.
  • We love the Bible. We deeply want to hear and understand God's Word. We do not all agree on everything, but we do agree that we love God's Word.
  • We love each other. We do not agree on everything, but we do agree that we love each other.
  • We love being involved in the kingdom work of our Savior.