Sunday, February 10, 2013

Report at the Annual Meeting

A more extensive version of the following information was presented by members of the PNC at the WCPC Annual Meeting on February 10, 2013.

Gregg Larson opened by introducing the PNC (10 of 12 members were present).

“My fellow PNC members and I are glad to be here tonight, not only as your PNC but also as fellow members of Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church.  The reason for our participation during tonight’s annual meeting is to provide relevant and helpful information to all of you regarding our current search for a new Head of Staff/Teaching Elder.  We will be making this presentation as a group with some slides, and there will be time for open questions at the end.”

Gregg started by showing the PNC blog, highlighting the PNC membership list and then Steps to Calling a New Teaching Elder/Head of Staff page.

“The main page not only shows the current blog post but off to the side there are links to additional pages that have information such as a list of who is on the committee and the steps of the process and where we are in the process.”

“The first three steps (Organize, Explore and Create) took us from January to about mid-June.”

“Since mid-June and moving into weekly meetings in August we have been diligently working on the next three steps (Search, Consider, and Select).”

“We will be excited when the day comes that we can follow with the last two steps (Nominate and Celebrate).”

Kara Koerper then went into a little more depth about our process for the past few months.

“Since we were receiving a great quantity of PIFs (we have now received nearly 180) we felt it would be best to divide the work over four small groups, each comprised of three members of the PNC.  Each group was assigned a portion of the collected PIFs to review and rank.  Those applicants that were ranked highly by the small group were then brought to the entire PNC for review and further discernment. As our process of winnowing has proceeded we have made email contact at least once or twice with every applicant and have had phone contact with nine different candidates.”

“Of those nine, we listened to several sermons from each candidate. Some answered written questions, were interviewed by phone and we have had three in-person on-site interviews.  Though we as a PNC are excited for steps seven and eight to be completed, much to our disappointment, for three different reasons, it became clear to us that none of our three candidates was God’s choice for our church.” 

“Yet, despite the frustration we have experienced, we have a renewed sense of hope that God’s timing is prevailing and that His choice for us is on their way.  We can all meditate on Romans 5:3-5 – We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. “

Bill Yakely then added his perspective on where we find ourselves in the process.

“Hebrews 4:3 says ‘His works were finished from the foundation of the world.’”

Nobody controls his own life or the life of a 12-member PNC.  The author of Hebrews argues that history merely unfolds what God completed before the foundation of the world; to submit your will to His defines what it means to ‘rest.’ Here the ‘rest’ may be redefined in finding a shepherd of the flock or Teaching Elder/Head of Staff, whoever that might be.”

“As was mentioned before, in August we started to receive a significant number of PIFs and we diligently started to meet weekly.  Every PNC is unique in its own path and cannot be compared against another, except in our desire to seek God's will or His ‘rest.’”

“We have a diverse group that adequately represents the diversity of our congregation.  We will be thrilled to come to you with a final candidate.  However, we are not in control.  Isaiah 51:15 says, ‘For I am the Lord your God who churns up the sea so that its waves roar---the Lord Almighty is his name.’”

“Thanks for your continued prayers on behalf of the committee--remembering that the Lord God Almighty will churn up a sea of candidates and the lesson we all need to remember is that we do not control God --Thanks be to God!”

The PNC presentation concluded with a Q&A session moderated by Tad Wisenor, during which a number of questions were asked and additional perspectives shared.