Friday, March 8, 2013

Don't thank us...

Just a quick thought today about the impact serving on the PNC can have on the participants. The 12 of us doing this have received support from so many of you...words of encouragement, cards, homemade desserts...which are so greatly appreciated. But there is a larger group of folks that is really feeling the strain of the many hours the PNC is working each week--our families.

We all have spouses who are holding down the fort in unexpected ways...I am not sure any of them understood what they were signing up for when their significant others agreed to serve, for 14 months and counting.

Even more significantly, four of us have children at home. It is one thing to know the joy of coming home after a long day to be greeted by kids, but the excitement dissipates quickly when my three-year-old almost always immediately asks, "Daddy, do you have a meeting tonight?" Too often these past few months I find myself answering in the affirmative.

So, keep praying. God is working in our midst and we feel uplifted and know we are making good progress in this discernment process. But pray for our families, too. And if you run into one of our spouses at church, please say "Thanks," because they don't usually get to share the homemade desserts.