Thursday, February 23, 2012

Introduction: Let us prepare

As God has called Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church to a specific work here in Spokane, in the Inland Northwest, and in the world, now is the time for us to prepare: for our new Teaching Elder/Head of Staff (Senior Pastor), and for the new avenues of ministry and growth God has for our church. In faithfulness to Jesus Christ, let us move into this next season of our life together with strength and purpose. Here are three ways that everyone in the Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church family can engage in this work of preparation:
  • PRAY: by committing to regular, faithful prayer for our church and the Pastor Nominating Committee.
  • GIVE: by helping our church to be healthy, strong, and ready for our next Teaching Elder/Head of Staff by offering our time, talents, and finances generously and regularly.
  • INVITE: by extending the embrace of God to one another by offering hospitality, service, and witness to our neighbors, families, and friends.