Monday, May 28, 2012

Exciting hurdle cleared

I just took the liberty of updating the page on the right hand side of this blog that outlines the eight steps we must take to call our next head of staff. I was able to mark number three as "complete" and list number four as "in process," which might not seem like such a huge thing, unless you realize that the Church Information Form (CIF), the primary document we provide to the denomination and any potential candidates, is now complete.

The PNC and session met a few weeks ago to discuss the draft and shared a meaningful time of conversation and unity around the direction we are heading as a church.

Then, last Monday night, the CIF was formally approved by Session at its monthly meeting and has been sent on to the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest Committee on Ministry for their approval in early June. Once approved there it will be sent to Louisville to be posted as an open position (and posted here for your consideration).  At that point candidates may start applying for the job.

We know there are a lot of people interested in this position, as we are already hearing from them in various ways, but the formal start to the search phase will begin when potential candidates are officially able to send us their Pastor Information Forms (PIFs) and we are also able to begin making contact with our network of friends, Presbyterian pastors, and others in the denomination, encouraging them to consider the opportunity or help connect us with other pastors who might be a good fit for our church.

This is a very exciting time for our church and we give thanks for your continued support and prayer.

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