Monday, August 13, 2012

God's Time

Two years. It has been more than two years since Pastor Rob left and almost two years since Pastor Keith arrived to serve as our interim. Surely, many of you must be thinking, we should have a new permanent pastor by now. Well, while we have continued progress to report, we also want to help you all manage your expectations.

First, while it has been two years since Rob returned to Indiana, it has only been eight months since the first meeting of the Pastor Nominating Committee in January 2012. Once a PNC is elected, it can often take several years to successfully complete a search. We are making no efforts to guess when we will be done, one way or the other, but you can always track our progress on the page at the right titled “Steps to Calling a New Teaching Elder/Head of Staff.” There are effectively seven action steps listed there, and we are knee deep in step five.

Second, we believe we have been called to do more than fill a vacant position. We want to do more than just find a person for the job; we want the right person, the one God has already chosen. Discernment takes time, as does clarifying processes and making connections. Beyond just sitting back and watching the pastor information forms roll in (nearly 90 in less than eight weeks at last count), we have been actively networking and asking others who know our church well to recommend potential teaching elder candidates to us. In many cases, these potential candidates are happy in their current calls and do not even know that they should be considering WCPC.

We are praying for patience. We are as excited about welcoming our new teaching elder as you are, but we are also committed to holding each other accountable to doing this process God’s way, bathed in prayer, and seeking unity in Christ. We are very pleased with the gifts for ministry represented in our candidate pool to date, and know of many more interested candidates who have yet to apply.

As we are now able to begin narrowing the pool into a short list of top candidates, the PNC has chosen to begin meeting as a large group weekly instead of bi-weekly so that we can move forward at a more efficient pace (and shorten our recent marathon three-plus-hour meetings to a more manageable length). We know that the most gifted people in our pool are likely to surface in other searches as well, and we want to honor the process by moving ahead with those folks who sent us their information early on.

Finally, many of you have asked us how you can help. From the beginning, we have invited you to share names of those you believe would be a good fit. In addition, we have asked for prayer, but we have not provided you much detail to guide your prayer. Here then are specific requests for prayer for your WCPC PNC:

·      Discernment. Your PNC is made up of 12 different people with very different opinions. Like-mindedness as we narrow our search is clearly a gift and product of the Holy Spirit.

·      Energy. Summer is a time for rest and renewal, yet the PNC is choosing this time to ramp up what is already a significant commitment of time. Please pray for energy and health for us.

·      Patience and perseverance. We feel pressure from many directions to complete this search. That said, this process will unfold in God’s time. Pray for patience and perseverance for the PNC, WCPC staff and the congregation.

·      Families. This process has an impact on many spouses and children as we are away from home or glued to a computer for significant extra hours each week. Please pray for our families.

·      Our next leader. God is already preparing our next teaching elder/head of staff. Please pray for her/him and her/his family and for the significant life transition that awaits them.

Bill Yakely has been sharing excerpts from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book “Life Together” as we open our meetings. This last week’s message encouraged us to remember the abounding grace of God that allows us to live together in community. Those of us on the PNC sense to a person that we are part of a significant grace-filled community and sharing in a very special journey of discovery. Thank you for your continued trust, patience and prayer.

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