We currently seek your prayers around the following:
· Candidates. We pray that the Holy Spirit would give motivation and discernment to all of the candidates who have applied/will apply and to their families.
· Protection. We implore God to put a hedge of protection around the PNC, the pastors, the staff, the leadership, and others in ministry at WCPC during this period of transition, so that we would all be faithful to build on the only lasting and eternal foundation, that of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
· Discernment. Your PNC is made up of 12 different people with very different opinions. Like-mindedness and unity as we narrow our search is clearly a gift and product of the Holy Spirit.
· Energy. The PNC is now meeting weekly, adding to what is already a significant commitment of time. Please pray for energy and health for us.
· Patience and perseverance. We feel pressure from many directions to complete this search. That said, this process will unfold in God’s time. Pray for patience and perseverance for the PNC, WCPC staff and the congregation.
· Families. This process has an impact on many spouses and children as we are away from home or glued to a computer for significant extra hours each week. Please pray for our families.
· Our next leader. God is already preparing our next teaching elder/head of staff. Please pray for her/him and her/his family and for the significant life transition that awaits them.