Frequently Asked Questions

Background: Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church is in the interim period between a Teaching Elder/Head of Staff departing and a new Teaching Elder/Head of Staff being called. Our transition period began in June 2010 and will continue until the congregation calls our new Teaching Elder/Head of Staff. These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are designed to help members and friends understand what to expect during this interim time.

All the acronyms and titles are confusing. What do they all mean?

  • Teaching Elder/Head of Staff -- Formerly known as a Senior Pastor, all ordained ministers of the word and sacrament in a church are teaching elders. Session members are ruling elders.
  • PC(USA) –- The Presbyterian Church (USA), the denomination to which WCPC belongs.
  • Presbytery -– The local governing body for PC(USA) churches in our area. We belong to the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest.
  • PNC -- Pastor Nominating Committee, elected by the congregation to discern God's call regarding the next Teaching Elder/Head of Staff for WCPC.
  • COM –- Committee on Ministry, the Presbytery committee that works with us during the interim time and approves the Mission Study Report, the CIF, and the Call that will be extended to our next Teaching Elder/Head of Staff.
  • CIF –- The Church Information Form, which is used by our denomination to list information about WCPC and the job description for the teaching elder/head of staff position.
  • PIF –- The Pastor Information Form, which is akin to a teaching elder's (pastor's) resume or curriculum vitae.
What happens during the interim period?
Interim leadership is chosen. We complete the Mission Study process. A Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) is elected by the congregation, and it begins to discern who will be our next Teaching Elder/Head of Staff.

How long will the interim period be?
It is unknown how long the PNC will take to extend a call to a new Teaching Elder/Head of Staff. Typically, the entire process takes two-to-three years after the departure of the previous Teaching Elder/Head of Staff.

How are we being led during this time?
Reverend Keith Tanis served as our Interim Pastor from fall 2010 to fall 2012. Assoc. Pastor Steve Watts has served wonderfully as interim head of staff since then.

Where do I go for the most up-to-date information about the interim period?
This blog will be the best place to check for new information. As certain key events unfold, we will email WCPC households and place announcements in the bulletin and The Chimes to let you know that new information has been posted.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?
You may email your questions to