Not to be misleading, as we have been working hard since our first meeting in January of this year, but the work is different now, as the PNC begins processing PIFs (Pastor Information Forms) from interested candidates. So far, more than 60 people have either been matched with our stated needs by the denomination or "self-referred," sending us their information because they are interested in our position and have found it on their own. Many of them know our church and have already been tracking our progress. We are following up on leads via e-mail and phone, and are reviewing every application multiple times before discussing our top tier of applicants as a full committee.
This is meaningful and taxing work. Words on a page (or screen) can only tell part of the story, and we are seeking discernment and God's nudging as we choose where to invest the additional time needed in conversations and eventually formal interviews.
That said, we are thrilled that so many qualified people are interested in our church. There are many compelling stories within this group of early applicants, and we are steadily honing in on the kind of leader we can collectively envision for our church in the future.
Thank you for your attention, your continued prayers, and your patience.